The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

vacation  bible  school

april 13 - April 17, 2025
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?
Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.
Ages: 4-18
Dinner served nightly
Crafts. Games. Music. Science Experiments and much more!


Worship at Hill Station is a blend of modern and traditional worship music.
Our pastor normally preaches expository messages, 

walking thru a passage of scripture.
The services are relaxed while attempting to maintain a spirit and atmosphere appropriate for worshipping our Creator.

Mission & Values

Hill Station Baptist Church is a community of believers committed to the glory of God.
HSBC believes that when believers are resolved to restoring people to God’s original plan and reflecting God in their world, they will form a church of immeasurable value to the Kingdom of God.
HSBC desires to be a body of believers that forms a church that is a Holy, Safe, Biblical, and Compassionate fellowship. 

Verse of the day

Weekly meetings
feb 4 - april 22, 2025 @ 7 PM

Our GriefShare ministry is lead by Sylvia Buchenau. Sylvia brings to this class her own life experiences of losing her own 18 year old son in a tragic accident and husband to cancer. She has a heart full of compassion for those who are grieving a loss. She is retired from Hospice of Cincinnati.
She is remarried to a gentleman who previously lost his wife to cancer.
Read the Bible in a year
  • Choose a reading plan that works best for you
    • There are a number of reading plans available in the foyer
  • Choose to either read the passages or listen to them on a Bible App
  • Meet with The GOOD BOOK Club on the 2nd Monday of each month
    • To discuss what you learned
    • To review any challenges you're dealing with
    • To encourage each other
Click here to download HSBC's page on the Bible App

Recent Sermons
Bible Studies